Wolf Creek NFH Provides Fishing For Local Nursing Homes

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery provided fish for the annual Nursing Home Fishing Event at Fair Oaks Health and Rehabilitation Center. With residents unable to travel to Hatchery Creek to fish, staff at Wolf Creek NFH decided to bring the hatchery to them and have been doing so for the last several years. This year, Project Leader James Gray, Biological Technician Alan Kimbler, and volunteer Dana Crowley loaded up fishing poles, bait, a large pool, and rainbow trout to give residents at Fair Oaks a morning of fishing fun!

Residents enjoyed watching the trout swim in the pool, trying to get a bite, and sharing past fishing stories. We are proud to be able to support our community and provide fishing opportunities, whether it be at Hatchery Creek or at events like this where getting to the creek or lake to fish isn't always possible. 

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Fish hatcheries
Special events

Recreational Activities